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Menampilkan postingan dari Oktober, 2010

Alchemist state as the world!

October 27, 2010 2:02 AM I ー Fu. I have to end one day. Islamic prayers surrounding the town from early morning.飲Mi込Menakatta while the situation in the dream was going from Japan. :-) Cairo this season, cold dawn is pretty unpleasant. Wake up at 8:00 am breakfast guesthouse. By the way, including breakfast guest house 30LE (about 580 yen about.) Eddie and I ate my roommate, who drink coffee from morning to cool the dental braces, or to explore the city, but he said there was a pyramid in Egypt have not gone two months because there is no longer interested. Now, I wish interesting! Lee from South Korea because I'm coming around a month in Africa. Luxor told me to go now. Good journey! Go to the Pyramids of Giza from the shower, I went to Memphis and around the pyramids of Sakkara Yara. I had a lot of fun, I go home and write slowly. A little walk back to the river Nile in Cairo, now watch the sunset across the river if I lost. We're back from the subway station next ...

The Manga Guide to Calculus

[DOWNLOAD] by Hiroyuki Kojima, Shin Togami and Becom

Info WORKSHOP di Universitas Indonesia Depok

JENIS WORKSHOP : 1.Cukil Kayu atau bahasa seninya grafis murni.  Sabtu, 6 November 2010 Membuat seni diatas kayu lapis yang tebalnya sekitar 6-10mm.Dicukil sesuai kreasi gambar dan dibuat seperti ceplakan stempel yang timbul jadi bisa dicat ,diwarnain dan di press di kaos atau media lain (yang dibawa oleh peserta workshop) sesuka hati. Pewarna,bahan dan alat cukil disediakan oleh panitia. Biaya pendaftaran : Rp35.000 Contact Person: Lena 085710499270 2. Patung Serbuk Kayu Sabtu, 6 November 2010 kreasi patung berbagai bentuk dari serbuk kayu.  Pada workshop nanti akan dibuat beberapa kreasi , media dan alat-alat akan disediakan oleh panitia. Biaya pendaftaran : Rp35.000 Contact Person: Lena 085710499270 3. Fotografi Sabtu, 6 November 2010 fotonya diambil di sekitaran ui sambil dibimbing sama pembimbing dari komunitas.  Biaya pendaftaran : Rp35.000 Contact Person: Lena 085710499270 4. 24jam nonstop video making    Sabtu-Minggu, 6-7 ...

Adobe Photoshop cs3 Portable

Download Adobe PhotoshopCS3 portable

Emoticon cute teddy bear

Welcome to my hell

im coming back in that place again ..... we always hate each other .... im a zombie ones SAYOUNARA!

I miss u elle....!!!!

Padahal ane da buat gambar khusus buat mereka... GA BISA UPLOOOOOOOAD!!!!!! POKONYA aitai....!! ellegarden .....