The tour and band manager exchange glances. Watches and mobile phones are repeatedly checked. Apologies are made and i'm told that Takeshi Hosomi, frontman of Ellegarden (please note the band name is often seen in all caps, ELLEGARDEN), is on his way to the label's office and will be arriving in about five minutes. They've sati that already…About fifteen minutes ago, I don't mind too much - he's not that late and anyway, isn't this how rock stars are supposed to act? Finally, he arrives, apologizes and explains why he's late. If you're expecting some lurid tale of groupies, psychotropic drugs and imaginatively obscene use of sea creatures, think again. Hosomi-san was watching a Discovery Channel documentary on crab-fishing and wanted to see the end of it. By the sound of things he's an avid fan of the whole series. This won't be the last time during our interview that Hosomi says something that belies his image as one go the poster boys of J-...
Ordinary lives, Anime, Japan, and Technology