In 2009, one of Japan’s longest-running manga, “Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo” - also known as “ Kochi Kame ” - was made into a live-action drama, which starred SMAP’s Katori Shingo . The series will get another adaptation, but this time, it’s in the form of a live action film, and Katori will reprise the lead role of Kankichi Ryotsu (aka “Ryo-san”). The upcoming film is called “Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo THE MOVIE ~ Kachidoki Bashi wo Fuusa seyo ~ (~Seal the Kachidoki Bridge~)”, which is a play on the title of Japan’s best-selling live-action movie of all time, “Odoru Daisousasen THE MOVIE 2 ~ Rainbow Bridge wo Fuusa seyo ~ (~Seal the Rainbow Bridge~)”. The movie logo for "Kochi Kame" (left) is a parody of the movie logo for "Odoru Daisousasen 2" (right) The film will be distributed by the movie studio Shochiku , who is responsible for the hit movie series, “ Otoko wa Tsurai Yo ” and “Tsuribaka Nikk i”. Sour...