In 2009, one of Japan’s longest-running manga, “Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo” - also known as “Kochi Kame” - was made into a live-action drama, which starred SMAP’s Katori Shingo. The series will get another adaptation, but this time, it’s in the form of a live action film, and Katori will reprise the lead role of Kankichi Ryotsu (aka “Ryo-san”).
The upcoming film is called “Kochira Katsushika-ku Kameari Koen-mae Hashutsujo THE MOVIE ~ Kachidoki Bashi wo Fuusa seyo~ (~Seal the Kachidoki Bridge~)”, which is a play on the title of Japan’s best-selling live-action movie of all time, “Odoru Daisousasen THE MOVIE 2 ~ Rainbow Bridge wo Fuusa seyo~ (~Seal the Rainbow Bridge~)”.
The movie logo for "Kochi Kame" (left) is a parody of the movie logo for "Odoru Daisousasen 2" (right) |
The film will be distributed by the movie studio Shochiku, who is responsible for the hit movie series, “Otoko wa Tsurai Yo” and “Tsuribaka Nikki”. Sources reveal that it is very possible that “Kochi Kame” will also spawn a movie franchise.
As for the cast, Katori will be joined by popular actors Fukada Kyoko, Tanimura Shosuke, and Sawamura Ikki. The filming process, which is currently on-going, will end in late March, with the movie release planned for this summer.
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